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Thursday, December 22, 2011

NEWS-Liberation Sociology

NEWS-Liberation Sociology

1 comment:

  1. Unjust Enrichment Defined The concept of unjust enrichment is an old legal idea traditionally associated only with relationships between individuals. From a legal perspective, unjust enrichment involves circumstances that Agive rise to the obligation of restitution, that is, the receiving and retention of property, money, or benefits which in justice and equity belong to another."[7] In U.S. court decisions the defendant has been required to give up the unjust enrichment, including gains later made from it.[8] For example, these decisions do not generally permit a thief's children to benefit from the father's theft. "If a thief steals so that his children may live in luxury and the law returns his ill-gotten gain to its rightful owner, the children cannot complain that they have been deprived of what they did not own."[9]
