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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Martin Luther King and malcolm X Debate....RARE VIDEO


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  2. Malcolm X was somewhat angry this anger is what we have to learn to contain it does not mean you can not be angry, but in anger we come off as none intelligent and as you see here you can began to attack people with your mouth which can lead to not choosing your words wisely; now we were not in position to take up arm we don't have a military it would be a matter of self induced suicide; we can not be incensed with anger that would lead to our death that would surely weaken our movement for a Reparation, as we all know that America must pay for slavery and we will not give up, if and when we had to do it other wise, it is not yet time to do so it would have to be in self defense.. Now let go back to the Debate I want to add that both had a plan; however Martin Luther King was the one who had watched the White man from the SOUTHERN PERSPECTIVE therefore let us call him the SMART NIGGA OF HIS DAY REMEMBERING HIS POINT AND PERSPECTIVE GOT HIM KILLED BY THE WHITE MAN....MALCOLM'S X's OWN PEOPLE KILLED HIM.

  3. There are people out there today who are trying to offset the movement such is the case of Mustafa Anasari do not be fooled he is no Martin Luther King Jr. or a Malcolm X he is a fraud and a detriment to the movement and any cause that we as a people represent .
